Map Search

All options related to the Map Search is located under this tab:

Result Limit

The maximum number of results to display in the result list. In order to increase the performance and improve the speed Ideal Directory groups the markers into clusters in the back-end, also known as server-side cluster, which allows to display thousands of markers at the same time. If you expect your users to have a slow Internet connection you can set the Result limit to 1000 results of less. If set to 1000, it will display the 1000 listings closest to the user's location.

Load all* on First load

Whether or not to load all locations in the current map (viewport/bounds) when the page loads. Change Default location to broad or narrow the results.

It is recommended to leave this option Disabled if you have GeoLocation to Auto OR both OR if you want to load locations from a search in the query string for example:


* It doesn't override the Result limit setting,


A service to predict the desired Place based on user input. The list of predictions is updated dynamically as text is typed into the input field.


Whether to display a Geolocate button, auto geolocate OR both. Google Maps API Standard Plan has a 2,500 requests per day limit. If you expect to have more than 2500 requests per day we recommend to either use the Google Maps API Pay-as-you-go plan, disable this feature or at least set to Show only.


Starting with Chrome 50 (April 20, 2016), Chrome no longer supports obtaining the user’s location using the HTML5 Geolocation API from pages delivered by non-secure connections. This means that the page that’s making the Geolocation API call must be served from a secure context such as HTTPS.

Geolocate button class

Customize the button class using Bootstrap button style (styling may change depending on your front-end template).

Show Category

Whether or not to display a list of categories for the users to narrow their search results

Default category(ies)

Category or categories selected by default

Subcategory Levels

Maximum number of subcategories to search for. Set to None in order to improve performance, specially if the Result limit is set to 10.000 or more.

Show Tags

Whether or not to display a list of the available tags to narrow the search results.

Unit System

The unit system to use when displaying distance. Metric will display in Kilometers and Imperial (English) will display in Miles.

Show Range

Whether to hide or display the range in a Select List OR in a Range slider. Range slider will fallback to a select list for unsupported browsers.

Default Max Distance

The selected Max distance in the Range Slider or in the Select List range or if Show Range is set to Hide.

Radius Circle

When enabled draws a circle on top of a Google Map, with a radius that specified by the user


The RGB Circle color


The Circle background color opacity. A value from 0.1 to 1 where 0.1 is the most transparent value possible and 1 is a solid color.

Border Color

The Radius Circle border RGB color

Border Opacity

The Radius Circle border opacity. A value from 0.1 to 1 where 0.1 is the most transparent value possible and 1 is a solid color.

Border Thickness

The border thickness in pixels

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