
The Options page is accessible through the back-end Components -> Ideal Directory menu item and then clicking on the Options button in the component's toolbar. These options define how Ideal Directory behaves. This page has several sections/tabs.


Some of the features described may only apply to the Ideal Directory Professional edition.

Map options

Contains most of the map related settings

In order to make it easier to display manage the options you can choose to display only specific option groups at the time. Please keep in mind that hidden options will still be enabled if the setting is set to something else other than Hide or No.


An API Key to use Google Maps API V3 is now required. You might experience issues with exceeding request limit. In order to avoid this and other relates issues you can set up an API Key, and it's actually beneficial, because you then get usage reporting. Follow these steps to get an API key:


The map default height in pixels. Enter numbers only.

Default location

The initial Map center in case the Auto detect GeoLocation fails. Just the latitude and longitude will be used, so this address will not be displayed anywhere. Searching the location from the search box will automatically load the Default Latitude and Longitude.

Default Latitude and Longitude

The initial map center can also be set by manually entering the Latitude and Longitude coordinates

Home Marker Icon

Defines an image to be used as the home icon for a Marker. Image Directory: /components/com_idirecotry/assets/images/markers

Use Custom Marker

Whether or not to use custom markers. Custom markers can be set in the listings settings and can also be set in the category options. Available settings are:

  1. No: Will not use custom markers;

  2. Yes: Custom markers set in the listings will be used. Will use default marker if marker is not set in listing;

  3. Fallback to category: Will use Custom Markers and will use marker set in the category if missing in listing.

Default Marker

Set default marker for listings

Scroll wheel zooming

Whether or not to allow user to zoom using mouse scroll wheel

MapType Control

Show/hide MapType Control. A MapType is an interface that defines the display and usage of map tiles. Each MapType must contain a few methods to handle retrieval and release of tiles, and properties that define its visual behavior. If set to Show a new opton wil be visible to choose the location to display within the map.

Map Type

There are many types of maps available within the Google Maps API. In addition to the familiar 'painted' road map tiles, the Google Maps API also supports other maps types. Available options:

  • ROADMAP - displays the default road map view

  • SATELLITE - displays Google Earth satellite image

  • HYBRID - displays a mixture of normal and satellite views

  • TERRAIN - displays a physical map based on terrain information

Zoom Control

Show/hide +/- buttons to control the map zoom level. When set to Show it will display another setting to choose the location within the map.

Street View Control

The Street View control contains a Pegman icon which can be dragged onto the map to enable Street View. This control appears by default in the top left corner of the map.

Link To Google Maps

When enabled displays a Link to maps.google.com (pre-filled with the from and to coordinates) in the direction container

GMaps Language

Choose whether you want to let GMaps choose a language for the Maps basic on the user browser's language or a static language it should load no matter what's the browser's preferred language

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